Chip 2000 May
0009_SQUISH Messages.pas
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
619 lines
This Document is a subset of the complete document taken from the Squish
Developers Kit Version 2.0
All of the source code, header files and documentation within the Squish
Developers Kit is copyright 1991-1994 by SCI Communications. All rights
This section describes the physical file layout of a Squish message
base. This is intended as a reference for developers who are writing
their own Squish-compatible programs. For an overview of the Squish
message base, see the section of SQUISH.PRN entitled "Using
Squish-Format Message Areas".
While the Squish MsgAPI library provides a standardized interface to
Squish and *.MSG bases for C programmers, authors who use other
languages may need to access Squish bases directly. This section
describes the implementation details of the Squish file format.
Squish Philosophy
A standard Squish base consists of two files: a message data file and a
message index file. Both files have the same prefix, but the data file
has an extension of ".sqd", while the index file has an extension of
From an overall point of view, the Squish data file consists of messages
stored in a doubly-linked list. The Squish data file includes a header
that contains pointers to the first and last frames in the area, in
addition to other area-specific information.
In the data file, a "frame" is used to hold an individual message. A
frame consists of a frame header (which contains links to the prior and
next messages), followed by the optional message header, control
information and message body fields.
This "linked list of frames" approach is ideal for a BBS message base.
Almost all message base access is sequential, starting from a particular
offset, and reading or writing until the end of the message base is
reached. Since each frame header contains the offset of the prior and
next messages, no disk accesses are required to find the preceding or
following messages.
The index file is a flat array of Squish Index (SQIDX) records. The
index file is used primarily for performing random access look-ups by
message number.
Unlike other message base formats, the Squish base is only loosely based
on the concept of "message numbers". While all messages have a message
number, these numbers can change at any time. By definition, the message
numbers in a Squish base always range from 1 to the highest message in
the area. Consequently, there are no "gaps" in message numbers, so a
Squish message area never needs to be renumbered.
While this makes it easy to scan through all of the messages in an area,
this also makes it difficult to find one specific message. Consequently,
the concept of a "unique message identifier" or (UMSGID) is introduced.
When a message is created, it is assigned a 32-bit UMSGID. These
identifiers are unique and NEVER CHANGE. Unique message numbers are
never "renumbered", so once a UMSGID of a message is obtained, it can
always be used to find the current message number of the given message,
no matter how many messages have been added or deleted in the interim.
Squish Data Types
The following integral types are used in the Squish file format
Type Size Description
char 1 byte A one-byte unsigned character.
word 2 bytes A two-byte unsigned integer.
sword 2 bytes A two-byte signed integer.
dword 4 bytes A four-byte unsigned integer.
FOFS 4 bytes A four-byte unsigned integer. This type is
used to store offsets of frames within the
Squish data file.
UMSGID 4 bytes A four-byte unsigned integer. This type is
used to store unique message identifiers for
Squish messages.
The types above are stored in the standard Intel "backwords" format,
with the least significant byte being stored first, and the most
significant byte being stored last.
A two-byte integer containing 0x1234 would be stored as follows:
Offset Value
0 0x34
1 0x12
A four-byte integer containing 0x12345678 would be stored as
Offset Value
0 0x78
1 0x56
2 0x34
3 0x12
The Squish file format also uses a number of abstract data
The SCOMBO type is used for describing a message date/time stamp. This
structure has the following format:
Name Type Ofs Description
date word 0 DOS bitmapped date value. This field is
used to store a message date.
The first five bits represent the day of
the month. (A value of 1 represents the
first of the month.)
The next four bits indicate the month of
the year. (1=January; 12=December.)
The remaining seven bits indicate the
year (relative to 1980).
time word 2 DOS bitmapped time value. This field
used to store a message time.
The first five bits indicate the seconds
value, divided by two. This implies
that all message dates and times get
rounded to a multiple of two seconds.
(0 seconds = 0; 16 seconds = 8; 58
seconds = 29.)
The next six bits represent the minutes
The remaining five bits represent the
hour value, using a 24-hour clock.
Total: 4 bytes
The NETADDR type is used for describing a FidoNet network
address. This structure has the following format:
Name Type Offset Description
zone word 0 FidoNet zone number.
net word 2 FidoNet net number.
node word 4 FidoNet node number.
point word 6 FidoNet point number. If the
system is not a point, this field
should be assigned a value of zero.
Total: 8 bytes
In addition, to describe an array of a given type, the "type[n]"
notation is used. For example, "char[6]" represents an array of six
contiguous characters. Likewise, "UMSGID[12]" represents an array of
twelve UMSGID types.
Data File Format
The Squish data file consists of two major sections:
1) A fixed-length area header, stored at the beginning of the
2) A variable-length heap that comprises the rest of the file.
This part of the file is used for storing message text.
The area header stores pointers to the head and tail of two major
"chains" of messages; the message chain and the free chain. The message
chain is used to find all active messages in an area. The free chain is
used for storing the locations of deleted messages, such that space can
be reused at a later point in time.
The Squish data file always contains a copy of the following _sqbase
structure at file offset 0:
Name Type Offset Description
len word 0 Length of the _sqbase
reserved word 2 Reserved for future use.
num_msg dword 4 Number of messages in
this Squish base. This
should always be equal to
the value of the high_msg
high_msg dword 8 Highest message number in
this Squish base. This
should always be equal to
the value of the num_msg
skip_msg dword 12 When automatically
deleting messages, this
field indicates that the
first skip_msg messages
in the area should not be
deleted. (If max_msg=50
and skip_msg=2, this
means that the writing
program should start
deleting from the third
message whenever the
total message count
exceeds 50 messages.)
high_water dword 16 The high water marker for
this area, stored as a
UMSGID. This field is
used in EchoMail areas
only. This contains the
UMSGID of the highest
message that was scanned
by EchoMail processing
uid dword 20 This field contains the
UMSGID to be assigned to
the next message created
in this area.
base char[80] 24 Name and path of the
Squish base, as an ASCIIZ
string, not including the
extension. This field is
optional and will not
necessarily be filled out
by all applications. (If
this field is not
supported, it should be
initialized to ASCII 0.)
begin_frame FOFS 104 Offset of the first frame
in the message chain.
last_frame FOFS 108 Offset of the last frame
in the message chain.
free_frame FOFS 112 Offset of the first frame
in the free chain.
last_free_frame FOFS 116 Offset of the last
message in the free
end_frame FOFS 120 Offset of end-of-file.
Applications will append
messages to the Squish
file from this point.
max_msg dword 124 Maximum number of
messages to store in this
area. When writing
messages, applications
should dynamically delete
messages to make sure
that no more than
max_msgs exist in this
keep_days word 128 Maximum age (in days) of
messages in this area.
This field is not
normally used by
applications. However,
it is used by SQPACK when
performing a message area
sz_sqhdr word 130 Size of the SQHDR
structure. For
compatibility with future
versions of the Squish
file format, applications
should use this value as
the size of the SQHDR
structure, instead of
using a hardcoded
"sizeof(SQHDR)" value.
reserved char[124] 132 Reserved for future use.
Total: 256 bytes
To examine the messages in a Squish base, the application needs to
follow the message chain. To do this, start with the begin_frame and/or
end_frame fields. These fields contain the offsets of the first and last
frames (respectively) in the message base.
A frame in the message chain consists of a Squish Frame Header structure
(SQHDR), followed by the XMSG message header, message control
information, and message body.
A frame in the free chain consists of a SQHDR structure only. A free
frame does not necessarily contain a message.
A SQHDR structure always has the following format:
Name Type Ofs Description
id dword 0 The frame identifier signature.
This field must always be set to a
value of 0xAFAE4453.
next_frame FOFS 4 Frame offset of the next frame, or
0 if this is the last frame.
prev_frame FOFS 8 Frame offset of the prior frame, or
0 if this is the first frame.
frame_length dword 12 Amount of space ALLOCATED for the
frame, not including the space used
by the SQHDR itself.
msg_length dword 16 Amount of space USED in this frame,
including the size of the XMSG
header, the control information,
and the message text. This field
does NOT include the size of the
SQHDR itself.
clen dword 20 Length of the control information
field in this frame.
frame_type word 24 This field can contain one of the
following frame type values:
0 Normal frame. This frame
contains an XMSG header,
followed by the message
control information and
the message body. Normal
frames should only be
encountered when
processing the normal
message chain.
1 Free frame. This frame
has been deleted, but it
can be reused. The
amount of available space
in the frame is given by
the frame_length field.
Free frames should only
be encountered when
processing the free
2 LZSS frame. This frame
type is reserved for
future use.
3 Frame update. The frame
is being updated by
another task. This is
only a transient frame
type; it indicates that
the frame should not be
manipulated by another
All other frame types are
reserved for future use.
reserved word 26 Reserved for future use.
Total: 28 bytes
For a normal frame type, the XMSG header immediately follows the Squish
frame header. The XMSG structure has the following format:
Name Type Ofs Description
attr dword 0 Message attributes. This is a
combination of any of the MSG*
attributes. (See below.)
from char[36] 4 Name of the user who originated
this message.
to char[36] 40 Name of the user to whom this
message is addressed.
subject char[72] 76 Message subject.
orig NETADDR 148 Originating network address of this
dest NETADDR 156 Destination network address of this
message. (Used for netmail areas
date_written SCOMBO 164 Date that the message was written.
date_arrived SCOMBO 168 Date that the message was placed in
this Squish area.
utc_ofs sword 172 The message writer's offset from
UTC, in minutes. Currently, this
field is not used.
replyto UMSGID 174 If this message is a reply, this
field gives the UMSGID of the
original message. Otherwise, this
field is given a value of 0.
replies UMSGID[9] 178 If any replies for this message are
present, this array lists the
UMSGIDs of up to nine reply
umsgid UMSGID 214 The UMSGID of this message. THIS
Older Squish programs do not always
set this field, so its contents can
only be trusted if the MSGUID bit
is set.
__ftsc_date char[20] 218 FTS-0001 compatible date. Squish
applications should not access this
field directly. This field is used
exclusively by tossers and scanners
for preserving the original ASCII
message date. Squish applications
should use the binary dates in
date_written and date_arrived to
retrieve the message date.
Total: 238 bytes
Any of the following bitmasks can be used in the XMSG "attr"
Attribute Value Description
MSGPRIVATE 0x00000001 The message is private.
MSGCRASH 0x00000002 The message is given a "crash"
flavour when packed. When both
enabled, the message is given a
"direct" flavour.
MSGREAD 0x00000004 The message has been read by the
MSGSENT 0x00000008 The message has been packed and
prepared for transmission to a
remote system.
MSGFILE 0x00000010 The message has a file attached.
The filename is given in the "subj"
MSGFWD 0x00000020 The message is in-transit; it is
not addressed to one of our primary
MSGORPHAN 0x00000040 The message is orphaned. The
message destination address could
not be found in the nodelist.
MSGKILL 0x00000080 The message should be deleted from
the local message base when it is
MSGLOCAL 0x00000100 The message originated on this
system. This flag must be present
on all locally-generated netmail
for Squish to function properly.
MSGHOLD 0x00000200 The message should be given a
"hold" flavour when packed. When
combined with the MSGCRASH flag,
the message is given a "direct"
MSGXX2 0x00000400 Reserved for future use.
MSGFRQ 0x00000800 The message is a file request. The
filename is given in the "subj"
MSGRRQ 0x00001000 A receipt is requested. (Not
supported by Squish.)
MSGCPT 0x00002000 This message is a receipt for an
earlier MSGRRQ request.
MSGARQ 0x00004000 An audit trail is requested. (Not
supported by Squish.)
MSGURQ 0x00008000 This message is an update request.
The filename is given in the "subj"
MSGSCANNED 0x00010000 This echomail message has been
scanned out to other systems.
MSGUID 0x00020000 The "uid" field contains a valid
UMSGID for this message.
Index File Format
The index file provides random access capability for a Squish base.
Given a message number, the index file can be used to quickly find the
frame offset for that message.
Similarly, given a UMSGID, the index file can also be used to find the
message number and/or the frame offset for the message.
The Squish index file is an array of Squish Index (SQIDX) structures.
Each SQIDX structure corresponds to an active message. For a base
containing 'n' messages, there are at least 'n' SQIDX structures. (There
may also be extra SQIDX frames at the end of the index file, but these
will be initialized with invalid values, as described below.)
The SQIDX for the first message is stored at offset 0. The SQIDX for the
second message is stored at offset 12. The SQIDX for the third message
is stored at offset 24. (and so on)
The Squish Index structure (SQIDX) has the following format:
Name Type Ofs Description
ofs FOFS 0 Offset of the frame for this message. A
value of 0 is used to indicate an
invalid message.
umsgid UMSGID 4 Unique message ID for this message. A
value of 0xffffffff is used to indicate
an invalid message.
The umsgid field must always be greater
than the umsgid field of the preceding
SQIDX structure. UMSGIDs are assigned
serially, so this will normally be the
case. (A binary search is performed on
the index file to translate UMSGIDs, so
the umsgid field of the SQIDX headers
must always be stored in ascending
hash dword 8 The low 31 bits of this field contain a
hash the "To:" field for this message.
(See below for the hash function.) The
high bit is set to 1 if the MSGREAD flag
is enabled in the corresponding XMSG
Total: 12 bytes
The following hash function is used to calculate the "hash" field of the
SQIDX structure. All variables are 32-bit unless otherwise noted:
Set "hash" to a value of 0
For each 8-bit character "ch" in the To: field, repeat:
- Shift "hash" left by four bytes.
- Convert "ch" to lowercase
- Increment the hash by the ASCII value of "ch"
- Set "g" to the value of "hash"
- Perform a bitwise AND on "g", using a mask of
- If "g" is non-zero:
- Perform a bitwise OR on "hash" with the value
of "g".
- Shift "g" right by 24 bits.
- Perform a bitwise OR on "hash" with the value
of "g".
Perform a bitwise AND on "hash" with a value of
The following C function can be used to calculate such a hash:
#include <ctype.h>
unsigned long SquishHash(unsigned char *f)
unsigned long hash=0;
unsigned long g;
char *p;
for (p=f; *p; p++)
hash=(hash << 4) + (unsigned long)tolower(*p);
if ((g=(hash & 0xf0000000L)) != 0L)
hash |= g >> 24;
hash |= g;
/* Strip off high bit */
return (hash & 0x7fffffffLu);